It’s finally spring. After the cold and hard winter, spring has finally made its way to the Eastern United States!!! Crazy, crazy, crazy. Okay, I have a confession to make: winter is actually my favorite season. I love the snow so much. I go to a bunch of holiday parties and everything is always so festive. I don’t know about the West or Southwest U.S., but up here there are always winter decorations. Lights are on every tree and there are banners on practically every street lamp. And I know this sounds weird, but winter makes me feels so warm and fuzzy. I feel like there’s a warm glow on all winter memories. But, now its spring. I knew I wanted to post about the coming of the new season, so I asked some people about their favorite season. SOOOOO many people said spring was there favorite season and I was like– WHY? People mentioned flowers, bunnies, sunshine, and mushy stuff like that. Sue me when I say that those things don’t remind me of spring. When I think of spring I think of mud and rain. And for those of you who live in snowy climates: you know when it starts to get warm and the slowly melting snow mixes with dirt? Black snow. That’s what you get: black snow. It’s disgusting and gross, but thinking this way doesn’t do any good for anyone. So I am going to try to think positively about one of my least favorite seasons. Here are three reasons to love spring:


Springtime is the perfect opportunity to just throw out all of the crap you don’t need. Be honest and ask your self: “Do I need or use this?” and if the answer is no, toss it or donate it (or recycle it… be kind to the environment). I just recently moved to a new place and when I talked to my mom, she suggested that I throw out a bunch of stuff. I gathered all of the clothes that don’t fit me or that I don’t wear and all of the things I’ve hoarded and I organized them. I sent shirts to different homeless shelters and some to my little sister who is several years younger than me. It’s pretty awesome.


Like I said earlier, I just moved to a new place, so adding decorations is both easy and hard. Easy, because I have nothing to move around or rearrange. Hard, because I have been occupied with so many other things and moving is stressful. If you are planning on sticking around for a while in your home, I suggest you do some things to make your house feel “springy.” I personally love houseplants. I don’t have plants that require dirt because I am terrified that the dirt will attract bugs (no idea if there is any truth to that).  I love tulips so I have them all over my house. All you need is a nice vase, jar, or cup to put your lovely flowers in. (I’ll post about how to have the perfect houseplants… stay tuned).


This goes to both guys and girls. We all could use a little freshening in the wardrobe area. I know when people tell me to go shopping, I start counting money in my head, but new clothing doesn’t have to be expensive. The worst mistake you can make is associating nice clothes with credit card debt. There are actually plenty of YouTube vloggers (video bloggers) that can really help you find cool clothes for a new and/or improved wardrobe. If you like, I can post about some vloggers I think are cool. The key to your springtime wardrobe is to stay true to your style while also considering the climate.

Thanks for reading this awesome post about spring. By the way, don’t be a stranger, if you want me to elaborate or post on a specific topic, please comment. Thanks!

Keep reading and keep connecting!

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